Wednesday, June 24, 2009


For those who have missed it, GeoExt 0.5 is almost through the door.

GeoExt is a similar project as WebGIS Public. In fact GeoExt is well ahead of WebGIS Public and is also on its way of becoming a OSGEO project with community support, which means that WebGIS Public has now more or less reached end-of-life.

WebGIS Public was a fun and educational trip for me but I'll leave it up to GeoExt now. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute at some point. Grats to the GeoExt team!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New minor release

I commited some final changes and uploaded WebGIS Public 1.2.2 today. This release is just a minor bugfix release which is only documented in the SVN commit log.

One small new feature though is that WebGIS.MapAction now has a optional static property map that is set will be used by all created MapActions. This makes code nicer when using only one map in the application which I guess is the most common case as you don't have to pass it into the constructor of each MapAction.

I've also cleaned up the ant build scripts which may be useful for other javascript projects using Eclipse.